Tajikistan Aikido Club
Tajikistan Aikido Club is operating under the leadership of Fotek Tabarov. Aikido classes began in Tajikistan on xx.xx.xxxx. The club currently has a staff of xx people. There are 2 (two) black belts and x brown belts in the staff.
Sensei Tofig Najafov
Sakura Aikido Aikikai Club held its first seminar in Tajikistan in xx.xx.xxxx. The seminar was led by Sensei Tofig Najafov, the chairman of Sakura Aikido Aikikai Club. Sensei Tofig Najafov is continuously invited to Tajikistan every year and provides his support to the Tajikistan Aikido Club. Sensei Tofig Najafov is the curator of the Tajikistan Aikido Club, and the club has the status of an international branch of Sakura Aikido Aikikai Club.
Board of Directors
Honorary Chairman: Tofig Najafov
Chairman: Fotex Tabarov
Vice Chairman: Dzhumakhon Abdulloev
Secretary General:
Executive Director:
Technical Director: Tofig Najafov
Chief Instructor: Fotex Tabarov
Instructor: Dzhumakhon Abdulloev
Sakura Aikido Sports Club, from 01.11.2024, was allowed to independently conduct exams for club members from the 6th Kyu rank to the 4th Dan rank. The chairman of the Examination Commission is Sensei Tofig Najafov. The attestation rights for the 5th and 6th Dan ranks belong to the Aikikai Foundation – Kagami Biraki. In addition, members, the shihan of the union, Mr. Kuribayashi Takanori Sensei, have the right to participate in the Dan rank exams. In addition, the exam for apprentice ranks starting from the 6th Kyu rank and including the 1st Kyu rank will be conducted by the members of the Examination Commission of the Tajikistan Aikido Club.
Fukushidoin: Fotekh Tabarov
Fukushidoin: Examiner
Examiner: Fotekh Tabarov
Examiner: Dzhumakhon Abdulloev
Yudansha - black belt board - Dan Degree Information
1st Dan Aikido
Membership No. AAA xxxx
Registration date: 03.01.2025
Date of birth: 24.09.1986
Sensei: Tofig Najafov
Started training: xx.xx.xxxx
1st Dan Registration No. xxxxxx, Date: xx.02.2025, Dushanbe, Tofig Najafov Sensei
2nd Dan Registration № xxxxxx, Date: xx.xx.xxxx, ……………., ………………………..
3rd Dan Registration № xxxxxx, Date: xx.xx.xxxx, ……………., ………………………..
4th Dan Registration № xxxxxx, Date: xx.xx.xxxx, ……………., ………………………..
5th Dan Registration № xxxxxx, Date: xx.xx.xxxx, ……………., ………………………..
6th Dan Registration № xxxxxx, Date: xx.xx.xxxx, ……………., ………………………..
7th Dan Registration № xxxxxx, Date: xx.xx.xxxx, ……………., ………………………..
1st Dan Aikido
Membership No. AAA xxxx
Registration date: 03.01.2025
Date of birth: 12.08.1988
Sensei: Tofig Najafov
Started training: xx.xx.xxxx
1st Dan Registration No. xxxxxx, Date: xx.02.2025, Dushanbe, Tofig Najafov Sensei
2nd Dan Registration № xxxxxx, Date: xx.xx.xxxx, ……………., ………………………..
3rd Dan Registration № xxxxxx, Date: xx.xx.xxxx, ……………., ………………………..
4th Dan Registration № xxxxxx, Date: xx.xx.xxxx, ……………., ………………………..
5th Dan Registration № xxxxxx, Date: xx.xx.xxxx, ……………., ………………………..
6th Dan Registration № xxxxxx, Date: xx.xx.xxxx, ……………., ………………………..
7th Dan Registration № xxxxxx, Date: xx.xx.xxxx, ……………., ………………………..