Beynəlxalq Aykido Federasiyası Aykido Sammiti
Beynəlxalq Aykido Federasiyası hər dörd ildən bir Beynəlxalq Aykido Sammitini təşkil edir və bu dünyanın müxtəlif ölkələrindən aykido tələbələrinin birbaşa təlimini asanlaşdırır, dünya aykido təlimatçıları arasıında göstərişləri bölüşdürür və Hombu ilə rəsmi ünsiyyət üçün kanal təmin edir. Beynəlxalq Aykido Federasiyası 1976-cı ildə yaradılıb. Azərbaycan aykidosu bu tədbirlərdə iştiraka etməyə 2012-ci ilin sentyabr ayından başlamışdır.

14th InternatIonal AIkIdo SummIt 2024
For more information, see the IAF Summit 2024 page, or follow our other channels.
The main hashtag of the summit will be:
DIrectIng CommIttee 2024-2028
IAF Officials
Ms Yoko Okamoto – Chairperson, Mr Adam Manikowski – Vice-Chairperson, Mr Corrie Human – General Secretary, Mr Satoshi Kaga – Treasurer, Mr Ethan Weisgard – Assistant General Secretary, DC Members Mr Charlie McGinnis, Mr Gergo Pasqualetti, Mr Fritz Heuscher, Member and Mr Magnus Burman.
Senior Council (Members appointed by the IAF President)
Chairman – Tada Hiroshi Shihan
Members – Ozaki Sho Shihan, Tony Smibert Shihan, Christian Tissier Shihan, Miyamoto Tsuruzo Shihan, Yokota Yoshiaki Shihan and Hayato Osawa Shihan.
Technical Council (Members appointed by the IAF President)
Sugawara Shigeru Shihan, Kuribayashi Takanori Shihan and Wilko Vriesman Shihan
Others Members appointed by the DC
- Webmaster – Mr Daan Stolp
- Media Officer – Ms Irina Gaspar
- Visual Identity Manager – Mr Mario Sapienza
Beynəlxalq Aykido Federasiyası 13-cü Aykido Sammiti 2020
IAF General Assembly 2021
The General Assembly of the International Aikido Federation has taken place via electronic means. A new Directing Committee has been elected. 17 countries became IAF Members and 4 countries became IAF Associate Members. On the 13th of October 2021, 120 participants joined the General Assembly of the International Aikido Federation. Considering the global pandemic, the only solution for joining representatives from countries around the world was through electronic means. Therefore, the platform for the meeting was Zoom and the platform for the confidential voting system was Election Runner. Aikido Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba, President of the IAF, opened the meeting with a speech and also did the closing remarks.
The official reports of the Chairman, the General Secretary and the Treasurer were approved without objections. Also, the Statute and the Fee Structure were revised in order to keep with current times. 17 new country members joined the IAF: Austria, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Cuba, India, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Montenegro, Myanmar, Nepal, North Macedonia, Peru, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Turkey and Polynesia. 4 countries joined as IAF Associate Members: Costa Rica, Guatemala, Malta and Tunisia. A new Directing Committee was elected inside the General Assembly. The new team is as follows:
Chairman – Mr. Wilko Vriesman, General Secretary – Mr. Dorin Marchis, Vice Chairman – Mr. Kei Izawa, Assistant General Secretary – Mr. Corrie Human, Advisor from Aikikai – mr. Shoichi Kamiya, DC Member – Ms. Yoko Okamoto, Mr. Charlie McGinnis, Mr. Adam Manikowski and Mr. Frederic Heylbroeck, Treasurer – Mr. Satoshi Kaga.
Dojo-cho Mitsuteru Ueshiba announced the lists of the two Councils members that were appointed by the IAF President:
Technical Council
Miyamoto Tsuruzo Shihan, Yokota Yoshiaki Shihan and Hayato Osawa Shihan.
Senior Council
Chairman Tada Hiroshi Shihan
Yamada Yoshimitsu Shihan, Asai Katsuaki Shihan, Suganuma Morito Shihan, Ozaki Sho Shihan, Tony Smibert Shihan and Christian Tissier Shihan.
For a better organization of the General Assembly, there were 5 online pre-meetings during May-September, that allowed the members to fully discuss and approve topics concerning the activity of the IAF. The next General Assembly will be in 2024, as according to the original calendar.
Beynəlxalq Aykido Federasiyası 11-ci Aykido Sammiti 2012
Azərbaycan aykido tarixində ilk hadisə idi ki, Azərbaycan Aykikay Aykido Klubları İctimai Birliyi, Beynəlxalq Aykido Federasiyası tərəfindən 4 ildən bir keçirilən Aykido Konqresinə dəvət edilmişdi. Birlik dəvət olunmuş namizədlik almaq üçün qonaq qismində tədbirə qoşulmuşdu. Konqresdə Azərbaycanı birliyin fəxri sədri Çingiz Əliyev, sədr İlham Quliyev, baş direktor İlqar Maşayev və icraçı direktor Orxan Məmmədov təmsil etdilər. Bununla yanaşı aykidoçularımız Konqresə aid seminarlarda və Aikido Hombu Dojo-da, Aykido Doşu Moriteru Ueşiba Sensey, Aykido Dojo-Cho Mitsuteru Ueşiba, Kuribayaşi Takanori Şixan, Takeşi Kanazava Şixan və s.ustadların dərslərində iştirak etdilər.