doshu. dojo cho

Beynəlxalq Aykido Federasiyası

The International Aikido Federation is the main global organization of aikido. It is an organization that unites organizations from more than 100 countries under one umbrella with the participation of members (for example, the All Japan Aikido Federation is one of the members). All participants must be recognized by the Hombu, so the International Aikido Federation represents only the Aikikai school. The International Aikido Federation is a democratic organization, but the Doshu and the chief instructor council are given a special role to protect the «technical and moral integrity» of aikido. The International Aikido Federation currently allows only one organization from each country to become a member, and each of these organizations is given an equal vote. (This is modeled after UN and does not always give equal representation to Aikikai students). The International Aikido Federation showcases aikido at the World Games and represents world aikido. The International Aikido Federation organizes an International Aikido Congress every four years to facilitate direct training of aikido students from around the world, share instructions among world aikido instructors, and provide a channel for official communication with the Hombu. The International Aikido Federation was founded in 1976.

 BAF Prezidenti
 Aykido Doşu – Moriteru Ueşiba
BAF Direktorlar Komitəsi
 Sədr – Okomoto Yoko
 Sədr müavini – Adam Manikovski
 Baş katib – Korrie Human
 Baş mühasib – Satoşi Kaqa
Baş katibin köməkçisi – Ethan Veisqard

Azərbaycan Aykikay Aykido Klubları İctimai Birliyi

Айкикай Азербайджан был зарегистрирован 29 августа 2011 года в Министерстве юстиции Азербайджанской Республики. 1 октября 2011 года Айкикай Азербайджан официально присоединился к Всемирному центру айкидо (АЙКИКАЙ Хомбу Додзе). История Айкикай Азербайджана началась с первого визита Курибаяши Таканори Шихана в Азербайджан. Айкикай Азербайджан — это полноценная организация айкидо, основанная основателем Ильхамом Кулиевым для обучения боевым искусствам айкидо в соответствии с правилами и положениями штаб-квартиры Всемирного Айкидо. 1 декабря 2017 года  было официально признано Айкидо Дошу Моритеру Уэсибой (АЙКИКАЙ Хомбу Додзе) главной организацией айкидо в Азербайджане. В 13 октября 2021 года Айкикай Азербайджан был признан Международной Федерацией Айкидо.

 İdarə Heyəti
Sədr – İlham Quliyev
Sədr müavini – Arzu Mikayılov
 Baş katib – Fəxri Qafarlı
 Baş katibin köməkçisi – Anar Əsədov
 Baş mühasib – Rauf Rüstəmov
 Texniki Direktor – İlham Quliyev
Baş təlimatçı – Arzu Mikayılov

The chairman of the International Aikido Federation made his second visit to Azerbaijan

Chairman of the International Aikido Federation Wilko Vriesman Shihan will be on an official visit to Baku on May 10-12, 2024. During the visit, a seminar will be held in Guba and Baku. This is Wilko Vriesman Shihan second official visit to Azerbaijan. On May 10th and 11th evening and morning Guba seminar. On May 11th and 12th evening and morning Baku seminar is planned.

Wilko Vriesman
Shihan 7th Dan
Chairman of IAF and President of the Dutch Aikikai Foundation

Wilko Vriesman Shihan came to Azerbaijan for an official visit

From May 16 to 19, 2023, the Chairman of the International Aikido Federation Wilko Vriesman was the official guest of Shihan “Aikikai Aikido Clubs” Public Union in Baku. A press conference was part of the trip. At the conference, issues related to the state recognition of the “Aikikai Aikido Clubs” Public Union and the intention to promote a regional cooperation platform with other members of the International Aikido Federation were discussed. At the end of the press conference, Wilko Vriesman on behalf of the Dutch Aikikai Foundation and Ilham Guliyev on behalf of the “Aikikai Aikido Clubs” Public Union signed a memorandum on joint cooperation. During his visit, Wilko Vriesman visited the Alley of Honor and then the Alley of Martyrs. He led a Master Class on May 17, and a seminar dedicated to the 100th anniversary of our national leader Heydar Aliyev on May 18. On the last day of the trip, an informal meeting was held with the president of Azerbaijan Aikido Federation Farhad Alaskarov, director of Sakura Aikido School LLC Tural Suleymanli and chairman of Mugenryu Kobudo Sport Club Public Union Bakhtiyar Zeynalov.