AIKIKAI Hombu Dojo examination (chief examiner) curator Kuribayashi Takanori Shihan.
Aikikai Aikido Clubs Public Union is the only official aikido organization recognized by Aikikai and the International Aikido Federation in Azerbaijan, which is confirmed by relevant certificates. Our Public Union is the only legal organization that has the right to represent Azerbaijan in the international arena. Our organization is the only official organization that has the right to take exams for Kyu and Dan degrees according to the Aikikai (IAF) charter. Kyu and Dan degrees issued by us, as well as instructor licenses, give the right to represent Azerbaijan in the international world.
Azerbaijan Aikido Examination Committee
Sanan Hasanzadeh
4 Dan Aikido
Arzu Mikayilov
4 Dan Aikido
Elnur Nematov
4 Dan Aikido
Tofig Najafov
4 Dan Aikido
Exam Committe
Ilham Guliyev – İmtahan Komitəsinin Sədri, Şidoin
Sanan Hasanzadeh – İmtahançı (Asistent), Şidoin
Arzu Mikayilov – İmtahançı (Asistent), Şidoin
Elnur Nematov — İmtahançı (Asistent), Şidoin
Tofig Najafov — İmtahançı (Asistent), Şidoin
İmtahan Komitəsi iki hisəyə bölünür. Birinci komanda Birliyin Baş İmtahan Komissiyasıdır. İkinci komanda heyətləri isə, Birliyin nəzdindəki klubların imtahan komissiyası heyətləridir. Baş İmtahan Komissiyası, Yüksək Dan dərəcələri (komissiya) üzrə imtahanların qəbuluna və imtahan qaydalarına əməl edilməsi, yeni qaydalar çıxarkən heyəti yeni qaydalar üzrə hazırlamasına cavbdehdir. İkinci Komanda isə Birliyin nəzdindəki klubların Kyu və Dan imtahanlarının qəbulunu icra etməkdir.
Examination committee for clubs
Examiner: Sanan Hasanzadeh
Assistant: Emil Yusifov
Assistant: Ramil
Examiner: Arzu Mikayilov
Assistant: Tofig Sadigov
Assistant: Ikram Rzayev
Examiner: Elnur Nematov
Assistant: Fakhri Gafarli
Assistant: Ruslan Musayev
Examiner: Anar Ganjiyev
Assistant: Elvin Alizade
Assistant: Turan Ibrahimli
Examiner: Tofig Najafov
Assistant: Nazim Karimli
Examiner: Ruslan Mammadov
Examiner: Emil Gurbanov
Assistant: Mikhail Volkov
Examiner: Rovshan Nazarov
Assistant: Movla Musayev
Assistant: Hafiz Mustafa
Examiner: Ilham Guliyev
Assistant: Aygun Mirzali
Assistant: Dilbar Nuriyeva
How and by whom is the examination for degrees conducted
As of 12.01.2021, the examination commission of the clubs under the union is authorized to conduct the examination as the 1st dana (6-1 Kyu) from the 6th kyu level. In this regard, examination commissions are created in the clubs of the union and the examination acceptance is entrusted to the commission staff. The Examination Commission should have 1 examiner and 2 assistants. 1 (one) member of the examination commission for the club should be part of the Examination Commission of the Union. A member of the Examination Commission of the Union is created by electing 1 person from all clubs. He is the chairman of the Examination Commission of the union, the technical director of the union. Only holders of 3 Dan and higher degrees can be appointed examiners to the club commission. It is strictly forbidden to appoint 2 Dan holders as examiners !
Who is allowed to register in the Aykikay Foundation under the name of degree examiner?
01.12.2017 – ci il tarixində Aykikay Fondunda Azərbaycan üzrə imtahançı adı ilə qeydiyyata alınan ilk aykidoçu, birliyin imtahan komitəsinin sədri İlham Quliyevə icazə verilib. İcazəyə görə İlham Quliyev 1-4 Dan dərəcələrinə imtahan qəbul edə bilər !
01.07.2024 – cü il tarixində Azərbaycan Aykido Komitəsinin sədrinin qərarına əsasən, Aykikay Fondunda Sənan Həsənzadə və Tofiq Nəcəfova, öz klublarının heyəti üzrə 1 və 2 Dan dərəcələrinə imtahan qəbul etməsinə və Aykikay Fondunda imtahançı statusu ilə dərəcələrin təsdiqlənməsinə icazə verildi. Hələlik bu qərar, Aykikay Fondunda qüvvəyə minməyib !
Bununla yanaşı, 01.07.2024 – cü il tarixində Sənan Həsənzadə və Tofiq Nəcəfova, öz klublarının heyəti üzrə 3 və 4 Dan dərəcələrinə imtahan qəbul etməsinə icazə alıblar.
- 3 Dan dərəcələrinin Aykikay Fondunda imtahançı statusu ilə təsdiqlənməsinə icazə, klub rəhbəri olan 5 Dan dərəcəsi alan təlimatçıya veriləcək.
- 4 Dan dərəcələrinin Aykikay Fondunda imtahançı statusu ilə təsdiqlənməsinə icazə, klub rəhbəri olan 6 Dan dərəcəsi alan təlimatçıya veriləcək.
İmtahan Qəbulu Qaydalarına Əlavələr
- Starting from 12.05.2022, the instructors of the aikido dojos within the relevant clubs under the union were allowed to take exams for their students for 6-3 Kyu exam levels. According to international rules, every student must take the exam in his/her own dojo.
- A common exam can be held only if the groups agree to take the joint exam of the groups under the clubs.
- 2-1 The examination board for the Kyu degrees is authorized to accept the examination if the examination committee of the club is in full.
- Joint admissions to 2-1 Kyu degrees are allowed by clubs under Union. This situation is allowed if there is a joint decision of the collegium of the clubs.
Tələb olunan qaydalar.
1) Şagirdin hansı tarixdən məşqə başlaması.2) Son dərəcə imtahanı hansı tarixdə keçirilib.3) Aidiyyati sənədləri ofisə təqdim edilibmi.4) Şagirdin yaşı ona imkan verirmi 3-1 kyu dərəcələrinə imtahan versin.5) İmtahan üçün nəzərdə tutulan ödənişi təqdim edibmi.6) Şagirdin fiziki hazırlığı normalara uyğundurmu.7) 2-1 Kyu və Dan dərəcələrinə layiq görülmək üçün mənəvi layiqdirmi.
* 01.01.2023 cü ildən etibarən, 6-10 yaş arası heyət üçün 10-7 kyu dərəcələri imtahanı sistemi yaradılır.
* 10 yaşı tamam olmayan şagirdə, 5 kyu dərəcəsi vermək qadağandır.
* 6-13 yaş arasında olan heyətə, 2 kyu dərəcəsinə imtahan verilməsi qadağandır.
* 13 yaşı tamam olandan sonra, 2 kyu üçün imtahan verilə bilər.
* 14 yaşı tamam olandan sonra, 1 kyu üçün imtahan verilə bilər.
Examination Rules
Exam admission conditions
In the “Aikikai Aikido Clubs” public union, the exam is conducted only for members of the association.
Before applying for the examination, the candidate must ensure that he meets the requirements for admission to the examination. Acceptance conditions are specified as a minimum.
An applicant may be admitted to the examination if he:
- Regularly engages in one of the clubs of the public association “Aikikai Aikido Clubs” at least 3 times a week during the calendar year;
- At the time of submission of the application form, in the clubs of the “Aikikai Aikido Clubs” public union, there must be no delay in teaching experience and the annual membership fee for the intended degree;
- He must have an application for participation in the exam by the instructor of the group he is engaged in.
Procedure for submitting an application for the exam
1. The application for the examination for the Dan degree is submitted to the head of the club by the instructors of the groups of the respective clubs no later than 1 month after the club and for the Kyu degree no later than 15 days.
2. Before the exam (3 days before the exam), the approved list is submitted to the secretariat of the Exam Commission by the management of the respective clubs:
- Registration fee according to the examination rates;
- Budo-passport (Yudansha and kyu degree book).
3. At the end of the exam, a protocol on the Attestation results is drawn up. The results of the attestation are published on the official website of Aikikai Aikido Clubs once every six months.
4. If the candidate fails the exam, 90% of the registration fee will be refunded. The next attestation for Kyu is possible during the next exam (after 6 months for 2 and 1 kyu), and for Dan no earlier than 1 year.
5. If paragraph 2 of the rules is not fulfilled, the candidate is not allowed to take the exam. The next Attestation is possible at the appointment of the appointed exam according to the “Azerbaijan Aikikai Aikido Clubs” calendar.
6. The chairman Examination Commissionof the “Azerbaijan Aikikai Aikido Clubs” (chairman of the public union) has the right to suspend the participation of the candidate in the examination for Dan degrees. The decision to suspend the entrance exam for the 1 Dan and 2 Dan degrees is notified to the candidate no later than 5 calendar days before the day of the exam, and no later than 10 days for the 3 Dan and higher degrees.
Rules for confirming the exam result
1. After 3 days of taking the Kyu exam, the protocol of the exam is submitted to the office manager of the union. The Chairman of the Examination Commission approves the results within 5 days from the date of receipt of the examination protocol.
2. Based on the results of the exam, the candidate who successfully passes the exam receives a certificate (and budo passport) according to the specified pattern. Starting from the 2nd Kyu degree, after registration, the student receives a membership card (card).
3. If questions arise based on the results of the exam, the chairman of the exam commission requests clarification of the issue by the exam commission staff of the relevant clubs that accepted the exam.
* The exam should be held outside of training. If this is not possible, the exam will be held on the last day of every month during the session.
* Applications, protocol and payment schedule of students participating in the exam should be submitted to the office manager and financial manager of the respective clubs no later than 3 (three) days before the exam.
* The chief instructor of the club approves the exam protocol and submits the document to the head of the club.
* The new degree is confirmed by the signature of the person who took the exam (examiner) on the budopasports of the students.
* Shodan owners cannot be assistants.
* If there are enough sandan and yondan owners together, nidan owners cannot become assistants.
* Attendance, behavior, age and moral preparation of the student should be taken into account for participation in the exam.
* The exam committee and students should not leave the hall during the exam for any reason.
* The examination commission must ask all the requirements and questions in a clear and serious manner.
* After the student completes the program, the assistants’ opinions are studied by the examiner and a decision is made based on the general opinion.
* The student should not be given concessions during the exam.
* Even if the student performs very poorly, the exam syllabus should be asked in full.
* As the exam grade increases, the requirements increase and become stricter.
* During the exam, the student should not be deliberately tired.
* It is forbidden to show personal bias in the student.
* It is prohibited to claim techniques not in the Aikikai Hombu Dojo degree program.
* The student is suspended from the exam in the following cases:
He does not know the names of techniques and remembers them only when he sees them.
When unable to perform the basic techniques included in kihon nage and osae waza.
When the requirements of the program of the previous degree are poorly fulfilled.
When a technique is operated too rough and using force.
*If the student is late for the exam, he will not be admitted to the exam.
Members of the “Aikikai Aikido Clubs” public union who do not pay the annual membership fee are not allowed to participate in the exam.