European Aikido Federation
Historique Chronologique
- 1960: In Nice was created the European Cultural Association of Aikido (ACEA). The statutory seat of the ACEA is in France, Statutes deposited at the Prefecture of Nice on 1 August 1962; Official Journal of Thursday 16 and Friday 17 August 1962;
- 1962: France by Order of 11 July 1962 authorizes the creation of “International Association (OJ of 17 August 1962)”;
- 16 August 1962: ACEA Statutes deposited at the Prefecture of Nice on August 1, 1962; Official Journal of Thursday 16 and Friday 17 August 1962;
- 5 October 1962: recognition of ACEA by the Aikikai as an organization for the development of Aikido in Europe (Act of 5 October 1962;
- 1 December 1962: The first General Assembly of ACEA was held on Saturday 1 December 1962 at the Grand Hotel de la Paix, 2 place F. Regaud 69002 Lyon;
- 23 août 1973: the Aikikai ratified an exclusive recognition of the EAF by the signing of a Convention drafted in Japanese and French, deposited at the Japanese Embassy in Paris on 14 September 1973;
- October 4 1974: The ACEA GM in Luxemburg decided to change the name of ACEA to FEA;
- March 23 1977: the ACEA changes its name and becomes the European Aikido Federation (EAF) (modification published in the Official Journal of the French Republic);
- February 4 1980: Statutes EAF modified. – 9 February 1981, Receipt of declaration by the Prefecture of Alpes Maritimes;
- Since 1980: the EAF organizes yearly its General Meeting and its Steering Committee meets twice a year;
- April 2014: The statutory seat of the EAF is fixed at Lyon-France, modified Statutes deposited with the Prefecture of the Rhone on 24th April 2014; Published in the Official Journal on Saturday 3 May 2014;
- April 2016: the EAF General Meeting in Lisbon elected the Steering Committee for the period 2016-2020;
- Today: EAF brings together 35,000 practitioners, 15 organizations in 12 European countries.