Aikikai Azerbaijan Schools
Azerbaijan Aikikai Aikido Clubs Public Union operates under the leadership of Kuribayashi Takanori Shihan as a member of the Aikikai Foundation. However, the legislation does not prevent other shihans from working in union in their schools. In this regard, it is possible to accept any Aikikai-oriented organization in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a member. 4 schools have been founded under the Azerbaijan Aikikai Aikido Clubs Public Union. These are schools consisting of 10 clubs: Arzu Ryu, Elnur Ryu, Sanan Ryu and Tofig Ryu.
Arzu Mikayilov
Shidoin – Sensei
4-th Dan Aikido
Arzu Ryu
Clubs that are part of the school
Club Aikido Aikikai Hombu Dojo Azerbaijan, Katana Aikido Sport Club Public Union, Freestayl Martial Arts Club Public Union, Cynology Sport Club Public Union and Sport Club Aikido Aikikai IDDO. These clubs operate under the leadership of Sensei Arzu Mikayilov. The Shihan (technical advisor) of the school is Kuribayashi Takanori Sensei, the instructor of the Aikido Hombu Dojo.
Elnur Ryu
Clubs that are part of the school
Shinjutsu Aikido Sport Club Public Union. These club operate under the leadership of Sensei Elnur Nemetov. The Shihan (technical advisor) of the school is Kuribayashi Takanori Sensei, the instructor of the Aikido Hombu Dojo.
Elnur Nematov
Shidoin – Sensei
4-th Dan Aikido
Sanan Hasanzadeh
Shidoin – Sensei
4-th Dan Aikido
Sanan Ryu
Clubs that are part of the school
Aikikan Martial Arts Club. This club operates under the leadership of Sensei Sanan Hasanzadeh. The Shihan (technical advisor) of the school is Kuribayashi Takanori Sensei, an instructor at Aikido Hombu Dojo.
Tofig Ryu
Clubs that are part of the school
Sakura Aikikai Aikido Club, Tajikistan Aikido Club and Sakura Aikido School operate under the leadership of Sensei Tofig Najafov. The Shihan (technical advisor) of the school is Kuribayashi Takanori Sensei, an instructor at Aikido Hombu Dojo.
Tofig Najafov
Shidoin – Sensei
4-th Dan Aikido