
Arzu Mikayilov

Founder and vice president of Azerbaijan “Aikikai Aikido Clubs” Public Union, Aikikai Aikido master of sport”, 4th Dan black belt holder.

Ilham Guliyev

Founder and chairman of Azerbaijan “Aikikai Aikido Clubs” public union, Aikikai Aikido master of sport, 5us Dan black belt holder.

Yashar Bashirov

Founderof Public Union of Azerbaijan “Aikikai Aikido Clubs”, president of “Professional Martial Arts Association and the National Karate Federation”, “Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sport”, “Honored Master of Sports,” a member of the National Olympic Committee, 8th dan black belt holder.

Arzu Mikayilov

Ilham Guliyev

Yashar Bashirov

Aıkıkaı Aikido Azerbaıjan History

Azerbaijan “Aikikai Aikido Clubs” Public Union at first was established on september 10, 2001 as Aikikai Aikido group in sports society under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan. On march 21. 2006 private individuals  Ilham Guliyev and Arzu Mikayilov with the Association of Professional Martial Arts of established Azerbaijan “ZIRVA” Professional Sport Club Public Union. On april 19, 2006 public union was registered in the Ministry Justice of the Azerbaijan Republic.

On August 29, 2011, the name of the public union was changed to the Ministry Justice of the Azerbaijan Republic and was registered as “Aikikai Aikido Clubs” Public Union. Public Union conducts its activites in accordance with the law on public organisations and foundations.