Ilham Guliyev


Represents the Union, signs contracts on its behalf, gives power of attorney. Organizes the execution of the decisions of the General Meeting  and the Board of Directors; Carries out other functions by the General Meeting and its Charter. The Vice Chairman (or Deputies): represents the Union on the basis of the presentation of one of the Chairpersons, and carries out the decisions of the General Meeting and the Board. The General Meeting and other functions laid down by its Charter shall be implemented.

Fakhri Gafarli

Board of Directors

Chairman: Ilham Guliyev
Consultant: Fakhri Gafarli
General director: Ilqar Mashayev
Secretary general assistant: Hafiz Mustafa
1st Vice chairman: Arzu Mikayilov
Vice chairman: Elnur Nematov
Vice chairman: Ruslan Musayev
Vice chairman: Gabil Mammadov
Vice chairman: Ramazan Agayev
Financial director: Rauf Rustamov

Ilgar Mashayev

Hafiz Mustafa

Arzu Mikayilov

Elnur Nematov

Ruslan Musayev

Gabil Mammadov

Ramazan Agayev

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors carries out the activities of the Union. Executive Body is the Management Board consisting of the Chairman of the Union, Deputy Chairmen and other persons. The Board is a collegial executive body and has the following powers: Adopts membership and exemption from membership; Offers suggestions and projects; Creates branches of the Union and opens its representations; It solves all issues not referred to exclusive jurisdiction of other governing bodies of the Union. When more than half of the members of the Management Board participate, sessions are considered competent and decisions are made by a simple majority of votes. The Chairman, Vice Chairpersons and other members of the Management Board shall be elected by the General Meeting of the Union within 2 (two) years. 

Rauf Rustamov